With a WhatsApp monitoring app, you’ll always know what’s up.
If you’re a parent, the WhatsApp tracker app gives you the peace of mind you’ve been waiting for.
Try now See it in action
Monitor WhatsApp with ease
Eyezy shows you the conversations they’re having on WhatsApp. And they’ll never know.
See their WhatsApp messages
It’s just like viewing them on their phone, without having to hold their phone.
See who they’re WhatsApp-ing
You’ll have access to contact details, including the number they’re chatting with.
View pictures and videos
If it happened in WhatsApp, it’s in Eyezy. That includes all kinds of media.
A world of safety.
All at your fingertips.
Eyezy is packed with everything you need to find out what’s going on in their world, wherever and whenever it’s happening.
3 easy steps to get started
Pick your membership
We’ve got plans for every need. Just create your account and choose the plan that’s right for your family.
Install Eyezy
Our Friendly Installer will show you everything you need to do to get started. We made it easy for you. And in case you need some help, our 24/7 support is always there for you!
Dig out the info
Log in to your Eyezy Dashboard and discover the truth about those you care about the most. Dispel any doubts in your family relationships and make wise data driven decisions.

How do I track other people’s WhatsApp calls?
It’s amazing how far we’ve come in the phone call department. Not too long ago, if you wanted to phone someone from your smartphone, you had to use the built-in phone app to place a call. And if you wanted to call someone in another country, it would cost you a pretty penny. But that all changed with the advent of third-party apps like WhatsApp. With the popular cross-platform messaging app, you can place calls to anyone with a phone number who’s using the same app. That’s perfect from a convenience perspective. But it can also be dangerous, especially for children. That’s why a WhatsApp monitoring app exists. It lets you find out who they called and who called them.
Can I track WhatsApp call history?
Absolutely. With the right WhatsApp monitor, you can see who they called and who called them. It’s all there in the WhatsApp call history, accessible when you log in to your Control Panel.
Can I see WhatsApp texts?
Definitely. Not only does a WhatsApp tracking app show you who they called, but you can also see the people they’re chatting with and the conversations they’re having. Everything they type is sent to your Control Panel where you can review their interactions. It’s easy to see their conversations and identify anything that seems off. At a glance, you’ll know if something’s not quite right and if you need to take action.
What about photos and videos sent through WhatsApp?
When you install a WhatsApp monitor, you’ll have access to the photos they’ve sent and received through WhatsApp — and videos too. So, if they’re sharing inappropriate content through text, just scroll and find out. It really is that easy.
How does the WhatsApp monitoring app work?
If you want to monitor WhatsApp, it’s simple. First, purchase a WhatsApp tracking app subscription. Then, follow the instructions to install it on the device you want to monitor. Next, after everything syncs for the first time, log in to your Control Panel and review their WhatsApp messages, pics, videos, call history, chat logs, photos, and more.
How do I read someone’s WhatsApp messages without their phone?
Just a few years ago, if you wanted to know what they were saying on WhatsApp, you needed to hover over their shoulder or grab their phone when they weren’t looking. But with a WhatsApp track app, it’s as easy is installing a bit of software and calling it a day. Once installed, you can read someone’s WhatsApp messages without having to grab their device each time.
Can a WhatsApp tracker app stop cyberbullying?
Bullying can happen anywhere beyond the playground, especially online. And because kids use chat to communicate, WhatsApp is often a great place for people to socialize — especially because you can create group conversations. Unfortunately, group conversations can also lead to cyberbullying. With a WhatsApp monitoring app, you’ll be able to see those conversations and find out if they’re having trouble with their peers.
What else can you do with a WhatsApp tracker tool?
Some WhatsApp monitoring apps do just that and only that. But there are some WhatsApp online activity trackers that go way beyond WhatsApp, letting you monitor other apps, including Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, and other popular chatting services. Instead of investing in an app that’s just focused on WhatsApp, we recommend expanding your options and choosing an app that does even more. Remember, kids use multiple apps to chat with peers. Some friends might be on WhatsApp. Others might prefer to chat exclusively via Facebook Messenger. If you invest in an app that covers all the bases, you’ll be able to monitor their activity wherever they’re having their conversations.
Is it legal to monitor WhatsApp?
There are two situations where it’s perfectly legal to use a WhatsApp tracking app. The first is when you want to monitor your own kids, under your own roof, who are under 18. The second case is when you want to monitor another adult. In this case, you’ll need explicit consent to install a WhatsApp online activity tracker on their device. As long as you tell them that you’re monitoring them and they have given you consent, you’re good to go. But before you take our advice, be sure to check the legal restrictions in your jurisdiction.
Are there free WhatsApp tracking tools?
If you come across a free WhatsApp monitoring app, you might want to do a bit of research before installing it on your device. When something is too good to be true, it probably is. Free WhatsApp monitoring software usually doesn’t do what it promises. In some cases, these so-called free apps are nothing more than fake apps littered with ads, designed to sell you something to track your behavior online in hopes of selling you something. There are some WhatsApp online activity tracker apps that are designed to steal your identity. Be sure to stay away from these nefarious apps.
Can I monitor WhatsApp only knowing their phone number?
While it’s possible to add anyone on WhatsApp knowing only their phone number, the same isn’t true when it comes to using a WhatsApp tracker app. If you want to install a WhatsApp monitoring app on someone’s phone, you can’t just enter their phone number in a system or send them a WhatsApp message. Instead, you need to install WhatsApp monitoring software directly on their device.