It’s not getting safer out there, and many parents increasingly feel anxious for the safety and well-being of their children. As the world is going full-steam ahead towards unprecedented digitalization, our youngest spend ever more time on the Internet.
Or glued to their smartphones. Seemingly safe at home, in fact, kids are exposed to all sorts of threats in cyberspace.
What are these? Cyber bullies and predators constantly on the prowl; oversharing, phishing, and scams, to mention just a few, abound on the Internet. Children can easily fall prey to any of these online dangers. More often than not, parents may fail to spot any problem and nip it in the bud in time.
Is there a way to shield your kids and know in advance whether you should intervene? Rest easy. There are just as many methods to safeguard your children as there are shady people lurking in the digital shadows. One such solution is cloning your child’s iPhone to know what’s going on.
If you’ve ever wondered how to clone an iPhone to protect your loved ones, well, then you’re in the right place. Before we go through a list of the best methods to clone your child’s iPhone, let’s look into what cloning means, how it works, and whether it’s okay to do. Read on!
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What Is iPhone Cloning, Is It Legal, and What’s It For?
Simply put, cell phone cloning means transferring some or all the data, such as text messages, from one phone to another. In essence, phone cloning is a transfer of a backup of the entire phone’s data or specific chunks of data without actually cloning it physically.
Perhaps, you imagined it to be somewhat different from what it really is. Luckily, it’s not rocket science.
Why might one need to clone someone’s cell phone? Well, as we’ve just said a few paragraphs ago, the Internet is no longer the safe space it used to be even a decade ago. So it’s better to be safe than sorry and get your loved ones out of harm’s way sooner rather than later by seeing everything on their phone.
But is it legal? You should be fine if it’s your underage child’s device you want to clone. However, laws differ in many countries. So it’s better to check your local laws to be absolutely positive that you don’t do anything illegal.
Cloning iPhone is a crucial tool at parents’ disposal. Moreover, there are many ways to do it, from the most straightforward methods for the non-tech-savvy to the less conventional designed for skilled users.
Now let’s look at a list of the methods to clone someone’s phone we’ve compiled for you.
How to Clone Someone’s Phone Without Them Knowing: 3 Different Ways (From Easy to Difficult)
Method #1: Using Parental Monitoring Software, Such as Eyezy
Eyezy is a one-of-a-kind parental monitoring app designed to fulfill even the most special needs. It’s a perfect solution for those wanting to know how to clone an iPhone remotely. And do it in a secure way.
Among many other things, this app can ‘catch’ most incoming and outgoing data to the target device and clone it straight into your account.
Eyezy stays on its guard 24/7, constantly reporting on the latest activities on your child’s device. Moreover, the app will never disturb your child, as it works in hidden mode.
To set about cloning their device using Eyezy, follow the steps below:
- Head to Eyezy.com to create an account.
- Purchase a subscription.
- Follow the instructions to set up the app.
- Log in to your Eyezy account, and allow the app some time to collect enough data.
- Start searching every nook and cranny on your child’s cell phone to see whether you need to intervene.
Technically, Eyezy isn’t a phone cloning software, but a monitoring one. Yet, it’ll definitely prove quite helpful for anyone looking for a way how to clone an iPhone without someone knowing.
To crown it all, Eyezy goes way beyond simply ‘cloning’ the contents of someone’s phone. It’s a multifunctional and feature-rich solution that’ll put out Smart Alerts if your attention is urgently needed. Or let you Pinpoint your child’s location wherever they might be. It’s also a good way to track your child’s iPhone.
Method #2: Using Bluetooth Cloner Tools
Third-party tools able to intercept most of the data and help you clone another phone are another method worth considering. These do their job through Bluetooth.
After downloading such a tool, all you’ll have to do is to turn on Bluetooth on both devices, ensure that they are close enough, and let them do their magic.
These are considered hacking tools. Even though they are freely available on the Internet, most are pretty dangerous and might leak data or worse.
Before you try this method out, weigh all the pros and cons very carefully. Usually, you’ll have no idea who the developer of any particular Bluetooth hacking tool is and what their goals might be. So it’s better to play safe and stick with the solution above to clone iPhone.
Method #3: Copying a Phone Number
Ready to dial the difficulty level up to eleven? Then copying the phone number of the device you want to clone is your method of choice. In short, it means being able to ‘clone’ the target device’s SIM card and phone number. As a result, you’ll be able to read all the text messages, see the call logs, and more.
This method requires you to buy a special SIM card cloning tool and connect it to your PC. To make matters worse, it involves a lot of coding and a certain level of computer usage proficiency.
Not an advanced PC user? Or, maybe, you want to get it all over with and start seeing what’s happening in your child’s life ASAP? Then we advise you to consider some other phone cloning software iPhone devices support.
Final Thoughts
Now you have at least three answers to the question of how to clone a phone iPhone including. Any of these methods will let you easily intercept the data from another phone to check whether there’s anything suspicious and dangerous.
Whichever method you end up choosing to clone a cell phone, it’s crucial to be very careful and attentive. There’s a high risk of compromising your or the target device owner’s personal details or worse.
Eyezy is the only solution listed that can put your mind at ease by letting you know that your child is safe and sound. A feature-rich, unrivaled, all-in-one parental monitoring app will address many problems that parents and their kids may face. This app goes far beyond the simple ‘cloning’ of phones.
Millions of loyal customers who value the app’s security, privacy, and ease of use is conclusive proof of that. Unlike other methods we described, Eyezy has a whopping number of additional features that will leave even the most demanding users more than satisfied.
Eyezy works. And works pretty well. Do give it a try and discover a new way of parenting.
hi Melissa. Lets say I download eyezy app on my kids iphone, set it up and give all permission and able to monitor from my phone/laptop. would he be able to see the eyezy app and able to delete the app afterwords?
Hi Sam. There’s no app icon for him to see, so he won’t know you’re using it.
Hi Melissa, on which phone do I set up the Eyezy app up on? mine or my child’s or both?
Hi Michael,
You need to install it on the device you want to track.
Thank you