Track everything they say and do on Instagram with our Instagram tracker. Instantly.
With an Eyezy tracker installed, you’ll always be in the know.
Try now See it in action
Stay on top of their Instagram convos
With an Instagram tracker, you’ll always be in the know.
View their chats
That includes secret messages that they don’t want you to see. It’s all there to review with Eyezy.
See their pics
If they’ve sent or received it on Instagram, you’ll be able to see it with Eyezy.
Review time and date info
You’ll know when every message was sent and received, giving you the information you need to make an informed decision.
A world of safety.
All at your fingertips.
Eyezy is packed with everything you need to find out what’s going on in their world, wherever and whenever it’s happening.
3 easy steps to get started
Pick your membership
We’ve got plans for every need. Just create your account and choose the plan that’s right for your family.
Install Eyezy
Our Friendly Installer will show you everything you need to do to get started. We made it easy for you. And in case you need some help, our 24/7 support is always there for you!
Dig out the info
Log in to your Eyezy Dashboard and discover the truth about those you care about the most. Dispel any doubts in your family relationships and make wise data driven decisions.

What does an Instagram tracker do?
If they’re on social media, an Instagram tracker lets you see someone’s Instagram DMs. That means the conversations they have with other Instagram users are available for you to browse through. With such a handy tool at your disposal, you’ll know if they’re chatting safely.
Why would I need Instagram monitoring?
Did you know that anyone can contact you on Instagram? It’s true. Not only can people you’re connected with get in touch with you, but strangers can easily attempt to send you an unsolicited message. That might be perfectly fine if you’re the one dealing with your own messages from strangers. But when your loved ones are communicating with strangers, this could spell serious trouble.
How do I install an Instagram monitor?
If you’re wondering how to find out who someone is messaging on Instagram, an Instagram online tracker is exactly what you need. To get started, find a subscription plan that works for you. Then purchase it. Once your payment goes through, you’ll find instructions to install your Instagram monitoring app in your inbox (check the email of the account you used when purchasing the app). You’ll also find directions and login credentials for accessing your Control Panel.
What will I find in the Control Panel?
Your Control Panel is the place to review every Instagram interaction. Just log in from your Mac, PC, tablet, or phone and you’ll have a clear picture of everything they’re saying. The best Instagram activity trackers let you browse through conversations visually, so it looks like a regular chat window. Beware of some older apps that are entirely text-based.
What can I see in each Instagram message?
When you log in to your Instagram monitoring app, you’ll have access to everything that was sent and received in each chat. That includes the conversations they have and the pics they’ve sent and received. Remember, Instagram is a pic-based app, so it’s quite common for people to send pictures through the platform. If the Instagram monitor you’re looking at doesn’t show you pictures, consider choosing a better one.
What kind of messages can an Instagram monitor uncover?
If it’s written on Instagram, you’ll be able to see it. That includes messages of cyberbullying, sexual harassment, or just plain inappropriate language. If it’s happening in their Instagram direct messages, knowing how to read someone’s Instagram messages can feel like an absolute lifesaver. This is a huge deal if you’re worried about strangers contacting your loved ones. Or if you’re worried about their friends, colleagues, and acquaintances having conversations with them that you don’t approve of.
If Instagram is secure, how can I see their messages?
Great question. If you’re wondering how to read someone’s Instagram messages, you’re likely wondering how it’s even possible. After all, Instagram is secure, right? While that’s true, Eyezy works around that security. Remember, Instagram monitors aren’t designed to crack Instagram and figure out login details. Instead, these apps give you access to their entire phone, so you can see what’s happening in the apps they use, including Instagram.
What else can I see with an Instagram activity tracker?
If you’re wondering how to track Instagram activity, we’re guessing that’s not the only thing you want to be able to track. If they use other social media chat apps, you probably also want to know how to find out what they’re saying on those apps. An Instagram online tracker like Eyezy can help. It shows you their conversations on all social media apps, including Facebook Messenger, which is owned by Instagram’s parent company, Facebook. And it doesn’t end there. Monitoring Instagram with Eyezy lets you see their conversations on WhatsApp, Tinder, Line, Viber, Kik, and more. In a nutshell, if they’re having conversations on social media, you’ll know about it with an Instagram monitoring solution.
How do I find out someone’s location on Instagram?
If you have an Instagram tracker like Eyezy, it’s super simple. Eyezy includes a location tracker, so you can find out where they are at all times. And the best part is they don’t even have to be using Instagram to find out their location. Unlike other Instagram monitor apps, Eyezy works across all apps, so no matter what app they’re using to chat, you’ll know their location. And if their phone is in their pocket, you can still find out. You can also get alerted if they enter or exit safe or forbidden zones. It’s an easy way to find out if they’re meeting one of their Instagram contacts in real life without telling you.
Can I use a free Instagram monitoring app?
Free apps for monitoring Instagram might seem tempting, but if we can offer you one piece of advice for people wondering how to track someone’s activity on Instagram, it would be to stay away from free apps. We’re not saying that because our app requires a subscription. We’re suggesting this to keep you and your data safe. Free apps are free for a reason. If you aren’t paying for it with your wallet, there’s a good chance you’re paying for it with your data. Free Instagram online tracker apps are designed to gather your activity and habits and sell them to marketers. Or worse. Choose the wrong Instagram monitor and you could end up with a virus, ultimately leading to your personal and financial information falling into the wrong hands.